A program named plspider has played a number of games of standard Spider Solitaire.
plspider wins a typical game of Spider in around 15 minutes of play (including losing games before finally winning), often floundering comically with baffling moves when the game is all but won. Perhaps surprisingly, plspider was not developed under a cost-plus defense contract.
Some of the results of plspider's play are listed below.
Inside plspider.zip are:
file (rndvals.hmd
cd a_directory_of_your_choice unzip wherever_you_put_the_zip_file/plspider.zip cd plspider_source plspider -c # run the program forever (H or control C to quit) cd src # or switch to the plspider_source/src sub-directory m # and compile the C program to plspider_source/src/plspider
plspider -h # tells you command line options plspider -c # plays forever random unplayed games, or lost games (interspered with occasional random won games) plspider -a -e -s 1234 # plays game number 1234
or, if the command line includes
the -w
option, winspidr_cdhs.txt
, at
the end of its play. The program reads one of these files at
start-time to aid in choosing random games to play.
The game number is a number that you may specify to the PySol program (Windows Version) to choose a specific deal of the cards to play.
In fact, the game number corresponds to the arrangements of the shuffled cards and to their order when dealt by the logic in the classic Windows FreeCell game. (Better FreeCell program: Freecell Pro )
plspider does not play the special game numbers -1 and -2, nor does it play the modern Window Free Cell games numbers between 32001 and 1,000,000.
Note: plspider plays Spider, not Free Cell. "game numbers" refer to the arrangements of the shuffled cards and to their order when dealt.
Below, the game number of un-won games may be followed by a number indicating the maximum number of empty stacks plspider has been able to achieve. Until the last 10-card flop, plspider is very eager to create empty stacks. On the last 10-card flop, moving cards out of play takes highest precedence.
The least number of moves that plspider has used to win the game.
... Or the most moves plspider has been able to make at any time in a losing game.
In won games, plspider's moves are stripped of much redundant movement.
Refers to when 10 cards are dealt from the deck, a card to each of the play stacks.
The shortest (won games) or longest (lost games) play-times in hours:minutes:seconds.
A "committed move" is a move that cannot be undone by legally moving the cards back to how they were before the move.
For example, a flop is a committed move. Moving a King to an empty stack from a non-empty stack is another example. Any move that flips (reveals) a card is another example. Moving a full suit up and out of play is another example. And, moving card(s) off a stack that contains an exposed card not one higher than the bottom moved card is another example.
Game number 14934 appears to be unwinnable. It looks like this
(printout from showdeal.py
Game number 14934 10S 2H 4S QD 3D 10D 9H AS JS JD 3C 4H 3H QH 8C 10H 3D 4D 8H AH KS KC 10C 7C 8S 3S 7D 3S 6C 5C 4C 3H 4D 7S 2S 3C 5C 8C QC 5S JH --- --- QC --- --- QS --- --- KS --- KH 2H --- JH 6H --- 2C KD --- 5S 2D 6H 5D 6D AH 10H 9S 9C 6C AC 6S 9D 4C 5D 9H 6D 8D 9C KD AS 10D QH JS JC 4H 2S 6S 7H 10C KH 8D 8H AD 5H 2C 2D 4S 8S AC 10S 7H 5H 7C 9D KC AD QD JC JD 7S 7D 9S QSThe visible cards after the initial deal are the 5 of spades, king of hearts, etc.
First, remember this:
A special case of this unwinnable game is when one of the two card-values are a king. In that case, only the 8 cards that the other card-value may be played on must be hidden for the game to be unwinnable.
A further variant of this type of game allows the 10 cards to be anywhere in the deal, so long as the cards they play on are in unexposable positions underneath them.
So, examine game 14934, as shown above:
Notice the positions of the 3's, 2's, kings, and 6's. All stacks but the 6th and 7th have kings or 2's in them. The stacks other than the 6th and 7th cannot be emptied unless another stack is empty (to move a king to), or unless a 3 is exposed (to move a 2 to).
Simplified, that means that, unless 3's are available for the 2's to be played on, only the 6th and 7th stacks can be emptied. (And, without an empty stack, nothing can be done but play a whole suit built up on a king ... which won't happen if a 2 cannot be played on the king's stack.)
But the only 3's available to be played on are on the 6th and 7th stacks. Unfortunately, all of these 3's are hidden by 6's ... which cannot be moved before they are covered by kings ... which cannot be moved because there are no empty stacks to move them to.
Game number 1748 AH 3D 4S 5H 6H 6H 8H 6C 6S 8C 6D 2C 10C 5D 6C 6D 7D KC 3C QC 2H QD 5S 7D QS 3D 2C 5S 8S 7H QH KD 8D 10S 7C 5H 3S 10D 5D 5C KS --- --- 3H --- --- 6S --- --- 10C --- QC 4H --- KS QH --- 10D KD --- 9H AD KH 8S 10H 7H 5C QS 8C 9H JD 10H 9S KC QD 9C 4C 4H AH 3H 8H AS JS KH 9D 4C JD AS JH 2H 4S 7S 2D 4D 2S 9S 4D AD AC JH JC 8D 9C 7S JC 2S JS 3S 9D 3C AC 7C 2D 10SExamine the 6's and 5's. Players will have a hard time moving 5's in this game. And all stacks have 5's or kings.
Game 1748 appears unwinnable, too.
How many games are like these? That is, games that simply don't go anywhere.
Recent (April 8, 2005) versions of plspider print out whether plspider ever emptied a stack or not.
As of May 1, 2005, there are 4 games that plspider has not emptied a stack on. Games 14934 and 1748 appear to the eye to be unwinnable. Game 10957 also appeared unwinnable, but Mark Stierlin won it in 2020.
Figuring that there exist unwinnable games that a stack can be emptied in, my guess of the unwinnable rate of Spider games is now somewhere around 1 in 3000. The bounds for this guess are given by plspider's current (May 1, 2005) results: that is, there must be more than 1 in 16000 games (though 2 unwinnable games isn't a high enough number to imply that this ratio is accurate), and fewer than 1 in 500.
November 2, 2014
Things have changed. It looks more like there are only 3 unwinnable games out of the 32,000. Two other un-won games, 12177 and 24560 have the makings of being winnable.
Max Schamschula is finding convoluted means to solve games that are unquestionably hard to solve. plspider's has been recompiled with settings tuned more toward looking deep in the move tree of un-won games rather than being quick to find solutions to "normal" games. So, time will tell.
Anyway, it appears 1 in 10,000 is closer to the frequency of un-winnable, random Spider games than 1 in 3000.
Maximilian Schamschula has solved 8881, 20830, and 24614. Herculean effort.
Insprired by Max, with some settings changes, plspider has solved 288, 6654, 8881, and 27320.
And, Max, with the aid of a sequence from plspider setting up 4 empty columns, won game 19638.
Max has solved 14686.
Max has solved 16749 and plspider has won 19638 by itself.
Max has solved 12057.
plspider has solved 28241.
plspider has solved 25521 and 12057.
plspider has solved 24614.
Max solved 14992 and plspider solved 16749 and 20830.
Max solved 28023.
Max solved 24560.
plspider solved 12177.
Mark Stierlin solved 10957.
Able to shuffle and deal all WINSPIDR (by John A. Junod) games. (But restricted to playing games numbered below a million until after April 13th 2024.)
Probably easiest (2 columns have been emptied):
WinSpider game number 24323 6S 5D KS 2H 9S 10H 9H 2C 2S 3S QD 2C QC AC 3D 3D JH 8D AD JC 9S KH 6D QS 4C 5S 6H AH 7C 9D QH 9C 7C 5C 3S 4C JD 7S JH 6D 5H --- --- JS --- --- JS --- --- 9D --- AC 6S --- KD 10C --- 8H 2S --- 2D 7S 2D 10C 10S 4H KC 6C 9H QH 9C KD JD KS KH 8S AS 2H 8S 7D AS 10D 8D 5C 6H 10H AH 4D KC 4H JC AD QS 4S QC 5S 7H 7H QD 8C 8C 10D 5D 8H 7D 4S 10S 3H 3C 3C 4D 5H 3H 6CProbably harder (1 column emptied, at best):Unoptimized moves to 2 empty stacks: WinSpider game number 8231 10S 5H 6H AH QH 3H 7C 3S 10S 2C 10H 2H 6H 10C QD 6C 9D JC 8S JC JS QC 4D QH 5S 5D 3H 5D 8C 5C QS JS 4S AD 9C 3C 3S KC JD 2D 10C --- --- 9C --- --- 8H --- --- 4C --- KH 7S --- AH 5S --- AC 2S --- 9S 4S 2D 9S 2C KS QD KC KD 2H 8S KH 2S 7D JH 5H 8D 4D 8D 7D 7H JH KD KS 8C 10D 6D 6S AD QS 3C AC QC 10D AS 8H 4C 3D 7C AS 5C JD 7H 10H 4H 6S 3D 9D 9H 6D 6C 7S 4H 9HLost 24323 0:50 50 seconds 0 keys 149 moves 2 empties V0.62 Wed, 10 Apr 2024 00:30:34 GMT 2#1>1 1#1>7 2#1>6 7#1>1 1#1>9 8#1>6 4#1>6 9#1>1 3#1>8 1#1>7 D 6#1>8 4#1>6 4#1>8 4#1>6 4#1>10 9#1>10 1#1>10 5#1>10 D 7#1>4 9#1>7 6#1>2 4#1>9 6#2>2 6#1>5 D 9#1>5 2#1>7 D 4#1>6 4#1>9 6#1>7 D 5#1>7 7#1>2 4#1>7 4#1>2 10#1>1 2#1>6 4#1>6 4#1>2 9#1>4 9#2>1 7#1>1 9#2>1 9#1>5 9#1>10 9#1>2 4#1>7 9#1>7 Unoptimized moves to 2 empty stacks: Lost 8231 4:05 245 seconds 0 keys 212 moves 2 empties V0.57 Thu, 27 May 2021 02:55:40 GMT 5#1>9 4#1>6 D 3#1>5 3#1>7 D 7#1>3 3#1>5 4#1>2 6#1>3 D D D 3#1>1 1#1>9 7#1>8 7#1>8 3#1>8 9#1>8 8#1>1 7#1>8 7#2>4 7#1>1 7#1>10 7#1>9 3#3>5 7#1>3 5#3>7 8#4>4 2#1>8 2#1>5 7#4>2 4#4>7 8#2>10 2#5>8 1#2>2 7#5>5 3#1>7 6#1>4 9#1>3 7#1>9 2#3>7 2#1>4 7#3>4 6#1>4 6#1>7 6#1>9 6#2>10 7#1>2 8#6>7 6#1>1 1#1>10 9#3>6 7#6>2 6#3>7 6#1>2 6#1>9 10#1>1 7#3>2 6#1>10
WinSpider game number 1295 5D 2D 3C 4H AC 6C 7C 9H 6H AH 6D JC 2S 5C 6S 4D 10H 10C 6D 6H QD 7S AS 9D 2H 5S 6S 4C 8D 6C 3H JS 8C 9S AC 2C 8S 9C 8H 5H KS --- --- 9S --- --- 4S --- --- 7C --- 10S 2H --- 4D 10H --- KH KC --- QH 2D 5C AH 4H 4C 8D KH KD QS 5S KS 7D 2C 7H KD 3D 7S 8H 3D 10D AS 3H 7D 9D JC 8C 10S JD 3S QD 9H QH QS JS 4S AD JH 5D QC QC JD 3C KC AD 9C 10D 10C 5H JH 7H 3S 2S 8SNote: number of "Unoptimized moves to 1 empty stack: WinSpider game number 9259 10D 4C 5D AS 8H 6C 6S 6H 4C 7H AC 5H 8D 9C 3S 3C 2D 2H KC 5C 7C QD 10H 4H AC 10S JH QS 4D 10S 10D QS QD 10H QH KS JD 3S 3D AD JH --- --- 4H --- --- 8H --- --- 2H --- AD 10C --- KC 7D --- 6H 8S --- 9S AS KD 3H 9C 5S JD 5S 5D 6C 6D JS JS 10C 7S 5C 4D 2C 7C 9S 7H KD KH AH 9D QC 9H 9H 5H 8D KH 3C 4S KS 2S 3H JC 7S 9D 2D 2C QC 3D JC 8S 6S 4S 8C 6D 7D 2S QH AH 8CLost 1295 3:36 216 seconds 0 keys 106 moves 1 empties V0.50 Thu, 01 Apr 2021 20:50:40 GMT 1#1>8 5#1>7 5#1>4 10#1>5 D 6#1>5 D 1#1>5 3#1>1 10#1>3 D 3#1>8 3#2>1 3#1>6 2#1>9 7#1>2 1#3>7 7#4>9 6#1>1 D 1#1>7 3#1>1 D 3#1>6 3#1>2 2#2>6 3#1>9 3#1>8 3#1>2 Unoptimized moves to 1 empty stack: Lost 9259 1:01 61 seconds 0 keys 103 moves 1 empties V0.64 Wed, 10 Apr 2024 16:02:49 GMT 9#1>1 1#2>3 6#1>3 8#1>3 D D 10#1>4 6#1>10 2#1>6 6#2>5 3#1>5 5#1>2 D 6#1>1 2#1>10 2#1>5 10#1>6 8#1>5 9#1>2 D D 6#1>1 2#1>1 2#1>3 2#2>1 3#1>1 2#1>6 7#1>1 9#1>1 9#1>3 7#1>3 2#1>7 2#1>9 2#1>5 2#1>5
" reflects the most moves made at any time, not the number of listed moves (which lead to empty stacks).
WinSpider game number 51987 JD 5C 10C 2H AC 4H JD 7D 9S JH 6C 8H 2S JS 4C 2H AH 10D 5S 9D QS 4D 9H 3S 4H 10H 3C 7H QD KD 8S 5H 2S AD QH 2D 7S 4D QS 7C QC --- --- QC --- --- 3C --- --- 5S --- 4C 3H --- QD 7C --- 9D 6C --- 9S 6H 9C KS KH 8H 4S AC 10S AH 8D AS QH JC 8C KC 7D JC 9C KD JS KH KS 3D 6S 2D 3S 10S 3D 6D 2C 2C 6D 6S 7S AS JH 5D 10H 6H 8C 4S 5H 3H 5C 5D 8D AD 7H 9H 8S KC 10C 10DNote: number of "Unoptimized moves to 4 empty stacks: Lost 51987 580:04 34804 seconds 0 keys 384 moves 4 empties V0.80 Wed, 21 Aug 2024 02:17:35 GMT 4#1>6 3#1>2 3#1>2 4#1>10 4#1>2 D 5#1>10 5#1>1 D D 2#1>5 7#1>3 D 5#1>3 5#2>8 9#1>6 5#1>3 2#1>8 4#1>9 7#1>3 5#1>2 5#1>6 3#2>4 5#1>9 3#2>2 5#1>3 8#1>5 4#2>2 5#1>8 3#2>5 2#2>4 5#2>10 9#1>5 4#2>2 4#1>7 2#2>7 10#2>3 7#2>2 5#1>9 10#1>6 3#2>5 2#2>7 3#1>9 5#2>9 7#2>2 3#1>5 2#2>7 5#1>7 3#1>5 3#1>2 3#1>6 3#1>4 9#2>3 9#1>5 6#1>5 3#2>6 9#1>3 5#3>9 7#1>5 7#2>4 5#1>4 6#2>5 8#1>9 5#2>6 9#4>5 8#2>3 9#2>4 2#4>9 8#1>4 9#4>2 3#2>4 10#1>1 8#1>10 2#4>8 4#2>3 D 3#1>6 5#1>7 7#1>6 5#4>1 3#2>5 1#4>2 3#1>1 6#1>7 1#2>3 5#2>3 2#4>5 7#1>6 5#4>2 3#2>5 1#2>7 3#2>1 9#1>3 5#2>1 2#4>5 2#1>7 5#4>7 9#1>5 9#1>5 9#1>6 5#1>8 9#1>5 8#1>2 9#1>8 7#4>9 7#1>6 9#5>7 7#8>9 9#9>7 4#1>1 4#1>9 7#11>5 4#3>7 9#1>6 5C 7#4>9 4#4>8 6#1>5 9#4>7 8#4>2 1#3>9 5#1>6 7#4>5 7#1>3 2#4>8 6#1>5 9#3>1 6#1>9 8#4>2 9#1>6 5#1>6 8#1>9 5#4>3 1#3>5 5#3>6 2#4>9 2#1>5 6#3>1 6#1>3 1#3>3 5#1>8 8#1>2 4#1>5 2#1>8 3#3>1 8#1>2 3#1>6 9#4>2 6#1>3 4#1>3 4#1>9 3#2>6 4#1>6 9#1>4 5#1>6 9#1>8 1#3>9 4#1>8 1#2>5 3#4>4 3#2>8 5#2>1 4#4>8 9#3>1
" reflects the most moves made at any time, not the number of listed moves (which lead to empty stacks).
Green | Won |
Gray | Human-won |
Orange | Lost |
Red | Lost with no empty stacks made. |
Shortest Games | Moves | Longest | Moves | Fastest | Time | Slowest | Time | Shortest Losses | Moves | Slowest Losses | Time | Most Played | Plays | ||||||
23181 | 168 | 22641 | 393 | 6577 | 0:16 | 14686 | 3:59:54 | 14934:0 | 92 | 1748:0 | 40:24 | 10957 | 2072 | ||||||
14900 | 170 | 28078 | 393 | 26642 | 0:16 | 24560 | 3:39:42 | 1748:0 | 94 | 14934:0 | 29:03 | 12177 | 264 | ||||||
693 | 172 | 21260 | 392 | 6304 | 0:17 | 10957 | 2:46:39 | 24560 | 227 | ||||||||||
25360 | 173 | 3692 | 385 | 7694 | 0:18 | 20830 | 2:39:00 | 28023 | 216 | ||||||||||
718 | 176 | 19952 | 383 | 1143 | 0:21 | 24614 | 2:37:12 | 24614 | 214 | ||||||||||
19167 | 176 | 21320 | 381 | 2438 | 0:21 | 26466 | 2:34:11 | 288 | 211 | ||||||||||
13492 | 177 | 22544 | 377 | 17513 | 0:21 | 16930 | 2:21:46 | 14686 | 209 | ||||||||||
28226 | 177 | 4258 | 376 | 27836 | 0:21 | 8881 | 2:19:49 | 20830 | 201 | ||||||||||
27959 | 178 | 4237 | 375 | 883 | 0:22 | 8138 | 2:09:42 | 14992 | 194 | ||||||||||
5425 | 179 | 14346 | 374 | 6429 | 0:22 | 16749 | 1:59:13 | 16749 | 180 | ||||||||||
25462 | 179 | 1563 | 371 | 19703 | 0:23 | 288 | 1:53:59 | 28241 | 158 | ||||||||||
15993 | 183 | 7512 | 371 | 23792 | 0:23 | 28241 | 1:52:35 | 14934 | 156 | ||||||||||
30152 | 183 | 9280 | 371 | 2073 | 0:25 | 24234 | 1:46:41 | 1748 | 148 | ||||||||||
3899 | 184 | 10719 | 371 | 3168 | 0:25 | 23228 | 1:45:18 | 25521 | 133 | ||||||||||
18992 | 184 | 8081 | 370 | 18203 | 0:25 | 8318 | 1:40:08 | 19638 | 125 | ||||||||||
20578 | 184 | 10322 | 370 | 23250 | 0:25 | 31106 | 1:39:45 | 12057 | 120 | ||||||||||
7435 | 185 | 28614 | 370 | 28714 | 0:25 | 27982 | 1:38:44 | 27320 | 98 | ||||||||||
14398 | 185 | 10475 | 369 | 30339 | 0:25 | 29441 | 1:38:20 | 6654 | 94 | ||||||||||
21585 | 185 | 11460 | 369 | 1413 | 0:26 | 21741 | 1:34:36 | 8881 | 71 | ||||||||||
26906 | 185 | 19470 | 368 | 10644 | 0:26 | 28539 | 1:28:57 | 950 | 63 | ||||||||||
24127 | 186 | 4353 | 366 | 15868 | 0:26 | 14992 | 1:28:26 | 2608 | 61 | ||||||||||
25457 | 186 | 12366 | 366 | 15982 | 0:26 | 7385 | 1:27:33 | 5760 | 60 | ||||||||||
1527 | 187 | 9920 | 365 | 19167 | 0:26 | 11143 | 1:23:54 | 7732 | 58 | ||||||||||
5361 | 187 | 20914 | 365 | 20282 | 0:26 | 27320 | 1:22:40 | 12865 | 57 | ||||||||||
8224 | 187 | 30908 | 365 | 22416 | 0:26 | 20384 | 1:21:14 | 6048 | 56 | ||||||||||
19752 | 187 | 24782 | 364 | 24217 | 0:26 | 2636 | 1:19:17 | 22992 | 54 | ||||||||||
23943 | 187 | 4397 | 363 | 31374 | 0:26 | 4719 | 1:18:00 | 2636 | 49 | ||||||||||
27347 | 187 | 7917 | 363 | 16603 | 0:27 | 4605 | 1:16:25 | 7626 | 49 | ||||||||||
27976 | 187 | 10682 | 363 | 23912 | 0:27 | 6654 | 1:15:46 | 8138 | 48 | ||||||||||
28097 | 187 | 23731 | 363 | 27159 | 0:27 | 17219 | 1:14:36 | 17722 | 48 | ||||||||||
2597 | 188 | 30057 | 363 | 29702 | 0:27 | 28023 | 1:14:36 | 28399 | 47 | ||||||||||
5437 | 188 | 2068 | 362 | 1609 | 0:28 | 26939 | 1:13:32 | 22788 | 43 | ||||||||||
13865 | 188 | 5718 | 362 | 4296 | 0:28 | 12937 | 1:13:28 | 27828 | 43 | ||||||||||
16271 | 188 | 6161 | 362 | 14398 | 0:28 | 8117 | 1:12:24 | 27903 | 41 | ||||||||||
29884 | 188 | 6817 | 362 | 17302 | 0:28 | 15313 | 1:12:08 | 1349 | 40 | ||||||||||
8100 | 189 | 7631 | 362 | 44 | 0:29 | 9691 | 1:11:41 | 22051 | 40 | ||||||||||
9987 | 189 | 8678 | 362 | 91 | 0:29 | 24432 | 1:11:02 | 8318 | 39 | ||||||||||
11533 | 189 | 9397 | 362 | 4685 | 0:29 | 4508 | 1:10:27 | 15313 | 39 | ||||||||||
17658 | 189 | 11136 | 362 | 13790 | 0:29 | 138 | 1:10:15 | 31156 | 39 | ||||||||||
23005 | 189 | 13164 | 362 | 18847 | 0:29 | 28582 | 1:10:12 | 10858 | 38 | ||||||||||
3870 | 190 | 16453 | 362 | 23096 | 0:29 | 9234 | 1:10:01 | 13866 | 38 | ||||||||||
6264 | 190 | 16875 | 362 | 23387 | 0:29 | 966 | 1:09:56 | 19196 | 37 | ||||||||||
9036 | 190 | 22961 | 362 | 28138 | 0:29 | 10858 | 1:09:56 | 4719 | 34 | ||||||||||
10816 | 190 | 23416 | 362 | 5369 | 0:30 | 4258 | 1:09:43 | 24198 | 33 | ||||||||||
18286 | 190 | 24923 | 362 | 8909 | 0:30 | 9611 | 1:08:07 | 28539 | 33 | ||||||||||
20392 | 190 | 26313 | 362 | 12651 | 0:30 | 2083 | 1:07:55 | 10804 | 32 | ||||||||||
20435 | 190 | 28275 | 362 | 12694 | 0:30 | 17442 | 1:07:45 | 16930 | 31 | ||||||||||
26228 | 190 | 7012 | 361 | 12958 | 0:30 | 8701 | 1:06:11 | 10786 | 30 | ||||||||||
30749 | 190 | 8079 | 361 | 14311 | 0:30 | 14972 | 1:06:07 | 24234 | 30 | ||||||||||
10094 | 191 | 8112 | 361 | 14427 | 0:30 | 18364 | 1:05:31 | 6704 | 28 | ||||||||||
13999 | 191 | 8485 | 361 | 16916 | 0:30 | 7167 | 1:05:27 | 16284 | 28 | ||||||||||
15186 | 191 | 9087 | 361 | 17368 | 0:30 | 22544 | 1:04:23 | 16768 | 28 | ||||||||||
16301 | 191 | 9409 | 361 | 22081 | 0:30 | 23860 | 1:04:00 | 22000 | 28 | ||||||||||
19703 | 191 | 12302 | 361 | 26253 | 0:30 | 21318 | 1:03:49 | 13379 | 27 | ||||||||||
22081 | 191 | 16003 | 361 | 29875 | 0:30 | 28675 | 1:03:47 | 19640 | 26 | ||||||||||
27937 | 191 | 19077 | 361 | 31598 | 0:30 | 27551 | 1:03:27 | 6209 | 25 | ||||||||||
2144 | 192 | 19214 | 361 | 9627 | 0:31 | 26993 | 1:02:48 | 17050 | 25 | ||||||||||
2522 | 192 | 20069 | 361 | 12586 | 0:31 | 14211 | 1:02:17 | 31023 | 25 | ||||||||||
7483 | 192 | 25903 | 361 | 14620 | 0:31 | 5986 | 1:02:10 | 2199 | 24 | ||||||||||
8064 | 192 | 26579 | 361 | 15440 | 0:31 | 26914 | 1:01:37 | 8701 | 24 | ||||||||||
17869 | 192 | 26662 | 361 | 16352 | 0:31 | 8329 | 1:01:28 | 29893 | 24 | ||||||||||
21791 | 192 | 31605 | 361 | 18699 | 0:31 | 28237 | 1:01:21 | 19766 | 23 | ||||||||||
22664 | 192 | 110 | 360 | 21383 | 0:31 | 28199 | 1:01:15 | 25176 | 23 | ||||||||||
23209 | 192 | 342 | 360 | 26434 | 0:31 | 8411 | 1:01:03 | 210 | 22 | ||||||||||
23284 | 192 | 937 | 360 | 26872 | 0:31 | 5685 | 1:00:59 | 360 | 22 | ||||||||||
25127 | 192 | 1308 | 360 | 29100 | 0:31 | 27832 | 1:00:54 | 4627 | 22 | ||||||||||
30164 | 192 | 1791 | 360 | 31565 | 0:31 | 2680 | 1:00:47 | 5939 | 22 | ||||||||||
190 | 193 | 3158 | 360 | 2944 | 0:32 | 10804 | 1:00:23 | 8057 | 22 | ||||||||||
216 | 193 | 4861 | 360 | 8577 | 0:32 | 30571 | 1:00:21 | 21678 | 22 | ||||||||||
753 | 193 | 5727 | 360 | 9208 | 0:32 | 5245 | 59:52 | 2957 | 21 | ||||||||||
4072 | 193 | 8828 | 360 | 11513 | 0:32 | 15856 | 59:24 | 5001 | 21 | ||||||||||
5495 | 193 | 9086 | 360 | 12386 | 0:32 | 5374 | 59:22 | 12937 | 21 | ||||||||||
7395 | 193 | 15918 | 360 | 12455 | 0:32 | 12177 | 59:09 | 12938 | 21 | ||||||||||
13156 | 193 | 17919 | 360 | 12934 | 0:32 | 31546 | 58:54 | 15052 | 21 | ||||||||||
17810 | 193 | 19268 | 360 | 16145 | 0:32 | 18638 | 58:43 | 15080 | 21 | ||||||||||
19935 | 193 | 20639 | 360 | 18652 | 0:32 | 8057 | 58:13 | 18637 | 21 | ||||||||||
23387 | 193 | 20873 | 360 | 21690 | 0:32 | 20159 | 58:13 | 18967 | 21 | ||||||||||
31831 | 193 | 21316 | 360 | 22791 | 0:32 | 29862 | 58:11 | 26939 | 21 | ||||||||||
31933 | 193 | 22659 | 360 | 26243 | 0:32 | 31392 | 58:08 | 313 | 20 | ||||||||||
3499 | 194 | 23835 | 360 | 30143 | 0:32 | 29840 | 57:59 | 559 | 20 | ||||||||||
5145 | 194 | 27327 | 360 | 31520 | 0:32 | 8291 | 57:47 | 996 | 20 | ||||||||||
14895 | 194 | 27378 | 360 | 31600 | 0:32 | 30222 | 57:26 | 4258 | 20 | ||||||||||
15598 | 194 | 29712 | 360 | 1019 | 0:33 | 1495 | 57:20 | 6169 | 20 | ||||||||||
17501 | 194 | 29917 | 360 | 1414 | 0:33 | 11602 | 57:19 | 10604 | 20 | ||||||||||
22416 | 194 | 31066 | 360 | 3600 | 0:33 | 11376 | 57:08 | 14972 | 20 | ||||||||||
26602 | 194 | 31112 | 360 | 3877 | 0:33 | 1560 | 56:38 | 25075 | 20 | ||||||||||
26868 | 194 | 2014 | 359 | 4323 | 0:33 | 23428 | 56:24 | 26589 | 20 | ||||||||||
545 | 195 | 9521 | 359 | 6240 | 0:33 | 19541 | 56:23 | 18658 | 19 | ||||||||||
1312 | 195 | 12614 | 359 | 6358 | 0:33 | 25078 | 56:18 | 24686 | 19 | ||||||||||
3093 | 195 | 13017 | 359 | 8513 | 0:33 | 14251 | 56:10 | 26532 | 19 | ||||||||||
6271 | 195 | 16672 | 359 | 21288 | 0:33 | 163 | 56:05 | 27296 | 19 | ||||||||||
9113 | 195 | 18968 | 359 | 21443 | 0:33 | 21254 | 56:05 | 31546 | 19 | ||||||||||
9399 | 195 | 19073 | 359 | 24711 | 0:33 | 11985 | 55:44 | 31779 | 19 | ||||||||||
12189 | 195 | 20563 | 359 | 24918 | 0:33 | 11987 | 55:40 | 528 | 18 | ||||||||||
13894 | 195 | 21345 | 359 | 27612 | 0:33 | 29180 | 55:38 | 3670 | 18 | ||||||||||
15824 | 195 | 22421 | 359 | 29301 | 0:33 | 21436 | 55:31 | 3769 | 18 | ||||||||||
16541 | 195 | 23056 | 359 | 3155 | 0:34 | 25784 | 55:31 | 5929 | 18 | ||||||||||
19973 | 195 | 23482 | 359 | 3814 | 0:34 | 28647 | 55:15 | 10278 | 18 | ||||||||||
22257 | 195 | 28607 | 359 | 4418 | 0:34 | 31517 | 54:54 | 13781 | 18 | ||||||||||
23250 | 195 | 29509 | 359 | 6932 | 0:34 | 5319 | 54:46 | 15879 | 18 |
64612 games played 32000 unique game/deals played. 31998 --- 99.99% of unique games have been won. 2 remain un-won. Average won-game, number of moves: 280 in 3:33 Median: 273 in 1:36 Average lost-game, number of moves: 93 in 34:44 Median: 93 in 34:44 Average time spent to win a game: 13:28 Median: 1:45
Green | Won |
Gray | Human-won |
Orange | Lost |
Red | Lost with no empty stacks made. |
Shortest Games | Moves | Longest | Moves | Fastest | Time | Slowest | Time | Shortest Losses | Moves | Slowest Losses | Time | Most Played | Plays | ||||||
49275 | 178 | 26978 | 546 | 33849 | 0:01 | 59605 | 22:09:55 | 41243:0 | 96 | 33706:2 | 129:12:26 | 8231 | 984 | ||||||
9635 | 183 | 12542 | 516 | 52427 | 0:02 | 62400 | 19:55:49 | 61643:0 | 105 | 45255:2 | 108:56:08 | 1295 | 950 | ||||||
33036 | 183 | 30668 | 504 | 53389 | 0:02 | 34310 | 18:39:07 | 50766:0 | 115 | 52654:3 | 59:57:12 | 24323 | 889 | ||||||
45484 | 183 | 28256 | 481 | 34923 | 0:03 | 38401 | 18:11:30 | 47308:0 | 270 | 35985:3 | 33:57:54 | 9259 | 875 | ||||||
29839 | 184 | 26798 | 480 | 38398 | 0:03 | 50520 | 17:32:31 | 38525:1 | 50 | 53660:2 | 30:22:58 | 9202 | 848 | ||||||
58994 | 184 | 17974 | 479 | 46826 | 0:03 | 36487 | 13:25:14 | 37090:1 | 60 | 33314:3 | 26:19:47 | 16433 | 755 | ||||||
18768 | 185 | 25418 | 478 | 48647 | 0:03 | 9202 | 12:07:03 | 49844:1 | 64 | 52368:2 | 24:34:42 | 26843 | 597 | ||||||
27894 | 185 | 5159 | 477 | 57902 | 0:03 | 62239 | 11:56:58 | 52071:1 | 64 | 24323:2 | 23:40:28 | 1880 | 589 | ||||||
43865 | 185 | 13221 | 476 | 36955 | 0:04 | 44266 | 11:20:57 | 46483:1 | 65 | 33473:3 | 22:18:36 | 13449 | 578 | ||||||
37033 | 187 | 20138 | 473 | 47629 | 0:04 | 36005 | 10:49:12 | 47053:1 | 67 | 63851:2 | 21:39:15 | 27764 | 578 | ||||||
37751 | 187 | 13219 | 472 | 50089 | 0:04 | 39467 | 10:24:16 | 59232:1 | 68 | 43037:2 | 20:56:01 | 29871 | 576 | ||||||
59428 | 187 | 16610 | 468 | 50854 | 0:04 | 53683 | 9:50:50 | 37002:1 | 69 | 47737:2 | 20:20:47 | 169 | 573 | ||||||
44005 | 188 | 13402 | 467 | 62079 | 0:04 | 38215 | 9:43:53 | 37156:1 | 69 | 43482:3 | 18:13:10 | 26978 | 569 | ||||||
30020 | 189 | 24423 | 463 | 62868 | 0:04 | 53634 | 9:15:00 | 56230:1 | 70 | 43014:2 | 17:40:01 | 752 | 545 | ||||||
51107 | 189 | 169 | 462 | 6098 | 0:05 | 31562 | 9:14:22 | 46781:1 | 72 | 37318:1 | 12:57:48 | 5918 | 543 | ||||||
8798 | 190 | 9033 | 462 | 11481 | 0:05 | 45463 | 9:05:48 | 47461:1 | 73 | 37766:2 | 10:02:36 | 16661 | 536 | ||||||
38049 | 190 | 9605 | 462 | 13602 | 0:05 | 46539 | 8:56:55 | 59338:1 | 74 | 50766:0 | 9:46:04 | 7045 | 524 | ||||||
44979 | 190 | 7009 | 459 | 32140 | 0:05 | 55522 | 8:42:27 | 48573:1 | 75 | 51987:4 | 9:40:04 | 17579 | 523 | ||||||
46318 | 190 | 20413 | 459 | 33406 | 0:05 | 57811 | 8:29:55 | 37165:1 | 77 | 55839:2 | 8:42:11 | 30276 | 519 | ||||||
49097 | 190 | 19347 | 458 | 33675 | 0:05 | 7389 | 8:25:40 | 43359:1 | 77 | 35239:2 | 6:09:05 | 18151 | 516 | ||||||
922 | 191 | 22738 | 456 | 37209 | 0:05 | 43163 | 8:24:59 | 51506:1 | 77 | 47505:1 | 5:27:48 | 11932 | 511 | ||||||
6922 | 191 | 23892 | 456 | 48065 | 0:05 | 52322 | 8:18:46 | 61362:1 | 77 | 34897:2 | 5:16:30 | 29358 | 507 | ||||||
13908 | 191 | 59605 | 449 | 51529 | 0:05 | 54079 | 8:04:43 | 45966:1 | 78 | 34615:2 | 4:12:39 | 14311 | 505 | ||||||
14627 | 191 | 27990 | 447 | 54503 | 0:05 | 58477 | 7:57:35 | 37694:1 | 79 | 46683:2 | 4:00:32 | 28790 | 497 | ||||||
18037 | 191 | 2990 | 446 | 59286 | 0:05 | 54660 | 7:39:31 | 37867:1 | 79 | 9259:1 | 3:11:11 | 1552 | 494 | ||||||
31337 | 191 | 15729 | 444 | 61154 | 0:05 | 37821 | 7:36:31 | 48789:1 | 79 | 1295:1 | 3:00:10 | 15281 | 378 | ||||||
33344 | 191 | 16854 | 444 | 5383 | 0:06 | 36467 | 7:35:46 | 56929:1 | 81 | 33367:1 | 2:58:53 | 6500 | 339 | ||||||
38459 | 191 | 15355 | 442 | 7930 | 0:06 | 63353 | 7:29:50 | 60978:1 | 81 | 50677:3 | 2:34:37 | 23499 | 241 | ||||||
38852 | 191 | 1786 | 441 | 9098 | 0:06 | 4236 | 7:14:17 | 35624:1 | 82 | 8231:2 | 2:33:06 | 11827 | 208 | ||||||
39718 | 191 | 5254 | 441 | 14706 | 0:06 | 45593 | 7:11:12 | 45895:1 | 82 | 51880:3 | 2:26:53 | 12542 | 199 | ||||||
50008 | 191 | 19733 | 441 | 21541 | 0:06 | 54092 | 7:05:59 | 49574:1 | 82 | 52349:3 | 2:13:11 | 8304 | 198 | ||||||
52979 | 191 | 12796 | 440 | 22098 | 0:06 | 47431 | 7:03:44 | 50709:1 | 82 | 54684:3 | 2:12:04 | 5340 | 196 | ||||||
62926 | 191 | 14332 | 439 | 23708 | 0:06 | 16077 | 6:59:34 | 61257:1 | 82 | 53966:3 | 2:05:10 | 20034 | 182 | ||||||
24875 | 192 | 16653 | 439 | 28656 | 0:06 | 36766 | 6:57:46 | 49074:1 | 83 | 55545:2 | 2:03:27 | 14332 | 161 | ||||||
29632 | 192 | 27610 | 439 | 35540 | 0:06 | 57540 | 6:52:21 | 32418:1 | 84 | 47155:2 | 2:03:22 | 14395 | 153 | ||||||
40800 | 192 | 16259 | 438 | 36397 | 0:06 | 41483 | 6:50:21 | 42489:1 | 84 | 56462:3 | 2:01:53 | 30668 | 147 | ||||||
42105 | 192 | 28401 | 438 | 36490 | 0:06 | 35950 | 6:48:24 | 58933:1 | 85 | 46338:4 | 2:00:49 | 13590 | 139 | ||||||
53118 | 192 | 23399 | 437 | 38111 | 0:06 | 59421 | 6:45:20 | 43758:1 | 86 | 60555:3 | 1:53:03 | 14478 | 132 | ||||||
6365 | 193 | 21469 | 436 | 40433 | 0:06 | 53687 | 6:30:26 | 48104:1 | 86 | 48435:2 | 1:52:57 | 22864 | 132 | ||||||
9098 | 193 | 7830 | 435 | 43794 | 0:06 | 38449 | 6:25:10 | 48324:1 | 86 | 55157:1 | 1:50:38 | 3388 | 131 | ||||||
9215 | 193 | 39602 | 435 | 46979 | 0:06 | 41905 | 6:23:39 | 52485:1 | 86 | 38094:2 | 1:47:43 | 23608 | 131 | ||||||
26600 | 193 | 44382 | 435 | 49142 | 0:06 | 58294 | 6:20:29 | 61064:1 | 86 | 49013:2 | 1:44:44 | 13402 | 129 | ||||||
37421 | 193 | 20691 | 434 | 49281 | 0:06 | 45375 | 6:15:22 | 59747:1 | 87 | 63867:3 | 1:39:16 | 19281 | 127 | ||||||
39885 | 193 | 2989 | 433 | 51268 | 0:06 | 19438 | 6:04:01 | 55187:1 | 88 | 38058:3 | 1:38:02 | 17737 | 126 | ||||||
42509 | 193 | 36630 | 433 | 52831 | 0:06 | 37872 | 6:01:30 | 56915:1 | 88 | 44478:3 | 1:36:36 | 16166 | 121 | ||||||
44392 | 193 | 3623 | 432 | 53808 | 0:06 | 50070 | 5:58:56 | 46847:1 | 90 | 49408:3 | 1:34:15 | 29930 | 118 | ||||||
49977 | 193 | 16130 | 432 | 55036 | 0:06 | 45731 | 5:56:08 | 47105:1 | 90 | 43961:3 | 1:33:56 | 6 | 114 | ||||||
55880 | 193 | 24683 | 431 | 56515 | 0:06 | 53239 | 5:45:09 | 36431:1 | 92 | 36812:2 | 1:32:17 | 16431 | 114 | ||||||
885 | 194 | 4924 | 429 | 58095 | 0:06 | 59213 | 5:44:35 | 45635:1 | 92 | 45795:3 | 1:32:14 | 10463 | 113 | ||||||
41300 | 194 | 6123 | 429 | 58977 | 0:06 | 54875 | 5:44:10 | 54960:1 | 92 | 56359:2 | 1:31:29 | 15075 | 113 | ||||||
43881 | 194 | 9307 | 429 | 60548 | 0:06 | 46308 | 5:40:45 | 62973:1 | 92 | 32221:3 | 1:30:05 | 811 | 111 | ||||||
50834 | 194 | 27235 | 428 | 1590 | 0:07 | 49922 | 5:38:33 | 32976:1 | 93 | 42875:2 | 1:26:46 | 5474 | 109 | ||||||
52160 | 194 | 12360 | 427 | 1662 | 0:07 | 36412 | 5:37:26 | 35544:1 | 93 | 36909:2 | 1:24:03 | 13639 | 108 | ||||||
59302 | 194 | 28593 | 427 | 4557 | 0:07 | 62112 | 5:35:06 | 49137:1 | 93 | 44122:3 | 1:23:53 | 25053 | 107 | ||||||
59330 | 194 | 11837 | 426 | 5782 | 0:07 | 47064 | 5:34:51 | 59976:1 | 93 | 47351:2 | 1:22:48 | 10292 | 105 | ||||||
63391 | 194 | 16832 | 426 | 12975 | 0:07 | 56829 | 5:34:48 | 49080:1 | 94 | 52420:2 | 1:22:03 | 25418 | 101 | ||||||
7421 | 195 | 44266 | 426 | 14998 | 0:07 | 51302 | 5:32:18 | 51282:1 | 94 | 37585:3 | 1:21:37 | 21464 | 100 | ||||||
33204 | 195 | 12997 | 425 | 16993 | 0:07 | 51768 | 5:31:01 | 50878:1 | 95 | 56637:3 | 1:18:40 | 14328 | 95 | ||||||
33997 | 195 | 21622 | 425 | 18230 | 0:07 | 52093 | 5:27:05 | 36090:1 | 96 | 35683:3 | 1:14:43 | 10789 | 93 | ||||||
42253 | 195 | 1847 | 424 | 20608 | 0:07 | 58116 | 5:26:37 | 38417:1 | 96 | 47474:2 | 1:13:51 | 12486 | 93 | ||||||
49834 | 195 | 6634 | 424 | 21637 | 0:07 | 43669 | 5:24:54 | 52939:1 | 96 | 61475:2 | 1:11:55 | 29258 | 91 | ||||||
55684 | 195 | 18370 | 424 | 22049 | 0:07 | 48791 | 5:24:52 | 62262:1 | 96 | 45193:3 | 1:10:58 | 25132 | 90 | ||||||
59607 | 195 | 20290 | 423 | 27282 | 0:07 | 34979 | 5:22:44 | 46665:1 | 97 | 53374:2 | 1:08:05 | 25361 | 89 | ||||||
61415 | 195 | 22591 | 423 | 27438 | 0:07 | 32782 | 5:21:48 | 51402:1 | 97 | 55761:3 | 1:07:24 | 22679 | 88 | ||||||
15817 | 196 | 27813 | 423 | 27504 | 0:07 | 45695 | 5:20:54 | 56589:1 | 99 | 39657:3 | 1:07:03 | 15424 | 87 | ||||||
21459 | 196 | 62400 | 423 | 27867 | 0:07 | 47536 | 5:19:43 | 40063:2 | 101 | 36092:2 | 1:03:13 | 30543 | 87 | ||||||
27864 | 196 | 10094 | 422 | 30986 | 0:07 | 35524 | 5:17:15 | 45177:1 | 101 | 62061:2 | 1:02:38 | 5397 | 83 | ||||||
32823 | 196 | 6411 | 421 | 31271 | 0:07 | 41654 | 5:16:20 | 47234:1 | 102 | 48143:3 | 1:02:31 | 1869 | 80 | ||||||
32997 | 196 | 28211 | 421 | 32303 | 0:07 | 58139 | 5:13:42 | 52317:1 | 102 | 46533:2 | 59:50 | 3319 | 79 | ||||||
37664 | 196 | 29848 | 421 | 35580 | 0:07 | 62106 | 5:09:35 | 62137:1 | 102 | 33724:3 | 55:38 | 19601 | 79 | ||||||
42920 | 196 | 2569 | 420 | 36103 | 0:07 | 56671 | 5:08:46 | 43832:1 | 103 | 62935:1 | 54:28 | 22814 | 78 | ||||||
59006 | 196 | 3200 | 420 | 36403 | 0:07 | 48939 | 5:04:24 | 34237:1 | 104 | 61373:3 | 53:32 | 5182 | 77 | ||||||
61743 | 196 | 4129 | 420 | 37359 | 0:07 | 52583 | 5:04:07 | 51666:1 | 104 | 55917:2 | 52:55 | 12229 | 77 | ||||||
3592 | 197 | 22630 | 420 | 41946 | 0:07 | 42615 | 5:00:32 | 59685:1 | 104 | 43380:2 | 51:24 | 25046 | 77 | ||||||
5281 | 197 | 9368 | 419 | 42020 | 0:07 | 44054 | 4:59:54 | 61637:1 | 104 | 54216:1 | 50:45 | 5374 | 75 | ||||||
10107 | 197 | 28909 | 419 | 44421 | 0:07 | 39235 | 4:58:24 | 44257:1 | 105 | 34634:2 | 50:42 | 11690 | 69 | ||||||
32913 | 197 | 12957 | 418 | 46296 | 0:07 | 56757 | 4:57:36 | 46081:1 | 105 | 41966:3 | 50:38 | 2569 | 59 | ||||||
40304 | 197 | 22459 | 418 | 46794 | 0:07 | 47082 | 4:57:19 | 36158:1 | 106 | 62717:2 | 49:25 | 20224 | 59 | ||||||
49579 | 197 | 31435 | 418 | 47830 | 0:07 | 31582 | 4:55:09 | 48170:1 | 107 | 37231:3 | 46:04 | 26653 | 59 | ||||||
54287 | 197 | 1234 | 417 | 49548 | 0:07 | 38564 | 4:55:07 | 59522:1 | 107 | 58760:2 | 45:49 | 25577 | 58 | ||||||
54967 | 197 | 14503 | 417 | 50135 | 0:07 | 32702 | 4:51:30 | 38044:1 | 109 | 48283:2 | 43:58 | 4166 | 57 | ||||||
58708 | 197 | 20811 | 416 | 50832 | 0:07 | 40310 | 4:50:54 | 61320:2 | 109 | 36970:2 | 41:45 | 13955 | 56 | ||||||
2334 | 198 | 31547 | 416 | 51662 | 0:07 | 40187 | 4:50:51 | 62549:1 | 110 | 57441:1 | 41:32 | 5148 | 53 | ||||||
5633 | 198 | 33943 | 416 | 52353 | 0:07 | 32889 | 4:48:14 | 42252:1 | 111 | 40976:2 | 41:02 | 14978 | 53 | ||||||
18036 | 198 | 9589 | 415 | 52472 | 0:07 | 60524 | 4:47:22 | 35638:1 | 112 | 40570:2 | 40:56 | 13949 | 50 | ||||||
27550 | 198 | 12799 | 415 | 55243 | 0:07 | 54553 | 4:40:49 | 51508:1 | 112 | 38893:1 | 40:41 | 20986 | 50 | ||||||
38271 | 198 | 13948 | 415 | 56398 | 0:07 | 43743 | 4:40:08 | 58642:1 | 112 | 63792:2 | 38:17 | 9955 | 49 | ||||||
39503 | 198 | 14712 | 415 | 56439 | 0:07 | 56603 | 4:39:52 | 35137:1 | 113 | 49898:2 | 38:17 | 14434 | 49 | ||||||
40880 | 198 | 309 | 414 | 57754 | 0:07 | 50512 | 4:39:42 | 56085:1 | 113 | 33828:2 | 37:07 | 1361 | 46 | ||||||
42463 | 198 | 760 | 414 | 60804 | 0:07 | 47527 | 4:36:51 | 43571:1 | 115 | 52608:2 | 36:29 | 13196 | 45 | ||||||
43941 | 198 | 5475 | 414 | 61434 | 0:07 | 5522 | 4:35:59 | 49072:1 | 115 | 36894:3 | 36:12 | 13112 | 44 | ||||||
46601 | 198 | 13971 | 414 | 61470 | 0:07 | 11042 | 4:35:59 | 60019:1 | 115 | 37637:2 | 34:59 | 19118 | 44 | ||||||
52620 | 198 | 17579 | 414 | 1484 | 0:08 | 42568 | 4:35:06 | 61186:1 | 115 | 53492:2 | 34:05 | 13407 | 42 | ||||||
54592 | 198 | 18990 | 414 | 2285 | 0:08 | 44133 | 4:34:35 | 34555:1 | 118 | 61588:2 | 33:28 | 25280 | 41 | ||||||
59313 | 198 | 58823 | 414 | 3330 | 0:08 | 56549 | 4:34:21 | 38714:1 | 118 | 59316:2 | 33:27 | 23206 | 40 | ||||||
61375 | 198 | 3729 | 413 | 4390 | 0:08 | 39225 | 4:33:31 | 54565:1 | 118 | 59594:2 | 32:46 | 4586 | 37 | ||||||
7861 | 199 | 8176 | 413 | 5405 | 0:08 | 47718 | 4:30:42 | 47211:1 | 119 | 56831:2 | 32:23 | 25685 | 37 | ||||||
8828 | 199 | 13035 | 413 | 8428 | 0:08 | 47983 | 4:30:16 | 56467:1 | 120 | 52553:3 | 31:56 | 28019 | 37 | ||||||
31347 | 199 | 16433 | 413 | 10096 | 0:08 | 36525 | 4:27:52 | 56835:1 | 120 | 52663:2 | 31:26 | 15758 | 36 | ||||||
33345 | 199 | 26388 | 413 | 10864 | 0:08 | 48010 | 4:27:10 | 61847:1 | 120 | 45798:2 | 30:03 | 12090 | 35 |
97174 games played 64085 unique game/deals played. 63660 --- 99.34% of unique games have been won. 425 remain un-won. Average won-game, number of moves: 280 in 10:25 Median: 277 in 3:30 Average lost-game, number of moves: 216 in 1:47:00 Median: 181 in 3:08 Average time spent to win a game: 14:51 Median: 3:43
file is generated by webresults.py
from results files, plspider_cshd.txt
and winspidr_cdhs.txt