Winnable Spider Solitaire Games

A program named plspider has played a number of games of standard Spider Solitaire.

plspider wins a typical game of Spider in around 15 minutes of play (including losing games before finally winning), often floundering comically with baffling moves when the game is all but won. Perhaps surprisingly, plspider was not developed under a cost-plus defense contract.

Some of the results of plspider's play are listed below.

Inside are:


On a Debian/Ubuntu/etc. PC:
cd      a_directory_of_your_choice
unzip   wherever_you_put_the_zip_file/
cd      plspider_source

plspider    -c              # run the program forever (H or control C to quit)

cd  src                     # or switch to the plspider_source/src sub-directory
m                           # and compile the C program to plspider_source/src/plspider

Run the program

plspider    -h              # tells you command line options

plspider    -c              # plays forever random unplayed games, or lost games (interspered with occasional random won games)
plspider    -a -e -s 1234   # plays game number 1234

The program appends play results to plspider_cshd.txt or, if the command line includes the -w option, winspidr_cdhs.txt, at the end of its play. The program reads one of these files at start-time to aid in choosing random games to play.


Game Number:

The game number is a number that you may specify to the PySol program (Windows Version) to choose a specific deal of the cards to play.

In fact, the game number corresponds to the arrangements of the shuffled cards and to their order when dealt by the logic in the classic Windows FreeCell game. (Better FreeCell program: Freecell Pro )

plspider does not play the special game numbers -1 and -2, nor does it play the modern Window Free Cell games numbers between 32001 and 1,000,000.

Note: plspider plays Spider, not Free Cell. "game numbers" refer to the arrangements of the shuffled cards and to their order when dealt.

Below, the game number of un-won games may be followed by a number indicating the maximum number of empty stacks plspider has been able to achieve. Until the last 10-card flop, plspider is very eager to create empty stacks. On the last 10-card flop, moving cards out of play takes highest precedence.


The least number of moves that plspider has used to win the game.

... Or the most moves plspider has been able to make at any time in a losing game.

Note: The program also reports losing games' movements that get the game to the situation with the highest evaluation score of all situations found with at least one empty stack.

In won games, plspider's moves are stripped of much redundant movement.

Full-Run and Split-Run moves:

Full-run moves are moves when a complete same-suit run of cards is moved to another stack.
Split-run moves are moves when part of a same-suit run of cards is moved - the same-suit run is broken.

Split-run moves are not very commonly used, but seem necessary on occasion. And they can drastically increase the number of moves a dumb program needs to consider for each move it makes.


Refers to when 10 cards are dealt from the deck, a card to each of the play stacks.


The shortest (won games) or longest (lost games) play-times in hours:minutes:seconds.

Committed Moves:

A "committed move" is a move that cannot be undone by legally moving the cards back to how they were before the move.

For example, a flop is a committed move. Moving a King to an empty stack from a non-empty stack is another example. Any move that flips (reveals) a card is another example. Moving a full suit up and out of play is another example. And, moving card(s) off a stack that contains an exposed card not one higher than the bottom moved card is another example.


Game number 14934 appears to be unwinnable. It looks like this (printout from

    Game number 14934

      1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9   10

    10S   2H   4S   QD   3D  10D   9H   AS   JS   JD
     3C   4H   3H   QH   8C  10H   3D   4D   8H   AH
     KS   KC  10C   7C   8S   3S   7D   3S   6C   5C
     4C   3H   4D   7S   2S   3C   5C   8C   QC   5S
     JH  ---  ---   QC  ---  ---   QS  ---  ---   KS
    ---   KH   2H  ---   JH   6H  ---   2C   KD  ---
     5S             2D             6H             5D

      1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9   10

     6D   AH  10H   9S   9C   6C   AC   6S   9D   4C
     5D   9H   6D   8D   9C   KD   AS  10D   QH   JS
     JC   4H   2S   6S   7H  10C   KH   8D   8H   AD
     5H   2C   2D   4S   8S   AC  10S   7H   5H   7C
     9D   KC   AD   QD   JC   JD   7S   7D   9S   QS

The visible cards after the initial deal are the 5 of spades, king of hearts, etc.
The row of cards starting with the 6 of diamonds are the first cards dealt from the stock.
The row of cards beginning with the 9 of diamonds are the last 10 cards to be dealt.

First, remember this:

If the first 10 cards showing are, say, of only two card-values (e.g. all 6's and 8's), and all 16 cards that those two cards go on top of are underneath (e.g. all the 7's and 9's have been dealt face down), then the game is unwinnable, no matter what the distribution of the rest of the cards.

A special case of this unwinnable game is when one of the two card-values are a king. In that case, only the 8 cards that the other card-value may be played on must be hidden for the game to be unwinnable.

A further variant of this type of game allows the 10 cards to be anywhere in the deal, so long as the cards they play on are in unexposable positions underneath them.

So, examine game 14934, as shown above:

Notice the positions of the 3's, 2's, kings, and 6's. All stacks but the 6th and 7th have kings or 2's in them. So the stacks other than the 6th and 7th cannot be emptied unless another stack is empty (to move a king to), or unless a 3 is exposed (to move a 2 to).

Simplified, that means that, unless 3's are available for the 2's to be played on, only the 6th and 7th stacks can be emptied. (And, without an empty stack, nothing can be done but play a whole suit built up on a king ... which won't happen if a 2 cannot be played on the king's stack.)

But the only 3's available to be played on are on the 6th and 7th stacks. Unfortunately, all of these 3's are hidden by 6's ... which cannot be moved before they are covered by flopped kings ... which cannot be moved because there are no empty stacks to move them to.


    Game number 1748

      1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9   10

     AH   3D   4S   5H   6H   6H   8H   6C   6S   8C
     6D   2C  10C   5D   6C   6D   7D   KC   3C   QC
     2H   QD   5S   7D   QS   3D   2C   5S   8S   7H
     QH   KD   8D  10S   7C   5H   3S  10D   5D   5C
     KS  ---  ---   3H  ---  ---   6S  ---  ---  10C
    ---   QC   4H  ---   KS   QH  ---  10D   KD  ---
     9H             AD             KH             8S

      1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9   10

    10H   7H   5C   QS   8C   9H   JD  10H   9S   KC
     QD   9C   4C   4H   AH   3H   8H   AS   JS   KH
     9D   4C   JD   AS   JH   2H   4S   7S   2D   4D
     2S   9S   4D   AD   AC   JH   JC   8D   9C   7S
     JC   2S   JS   3S   9D   3C   AC   7C   2D  10S

Examine the 6's and 5's. Players will have a hard time moving 5's in this game. And all stacks have 5's or kings. All 6's are hidden behind those kings and a 5 (stack 6). 5's or kings block all the other, non-6/king stacks (3, 4, and 10) from being emptied.

Game 1748 appears unwinnable, too.

How many games are like these? That is, games that simply don't go anywhere.

Recent (April 8, 2005) versions of plspider print out whether plspider ever emptied a stack or not.

As of May 1, 2005, there are 4 games that plspider has not emptied a stack on. Games 14934 and 1748 appear to the eye to be unwinnable. Game 10957 also appeared unwinnable, but Mark Stierlin won it in 2020.

Figuring that there exist unwinnable games that a stack can be emptied in, my guess of the unwinnable rate of Spider games is now somewhere around 1 in 3000. The bounds for this guess are given by plspider's current (May 1, 2005) results: that is, there must be more than 1 in 16000 games (though 2 unwinnable games isn't a high enough number to imply that this ratio is accurate), and fewer than 1 in 500.

November 2, 2014

Things have changed. It looks more like there are only 3 unwinnable games out of the 32,000. Two other un-won games, 12177 and 24560 have the makings of being winnable.

Max Schamschula is finding convoluted means to solve games that are unquestionably hard to solve. plspider's has been recompiled with settings tuned more toward looking deep in the move tree of un-won games rather than being quick to find solutions to "normal" games. So, time will tell.

Anyway, it appears 1 in 10,000 is closer to the frequency of un-winnable, random Spider games than 1 in 3000.


October 21, 2014

Maximilian Schamschula has solved 8881, 20830, and 24614. Herculean effort.

Insprired by Max, with some settings changes, plspider has solved 288, 6654, 8881, and 27320.

And, Max, with the aid of a sequence from plspider setting up 4 empty columns, won game 19638.

October 22, 2014

Max has solved 14686.

October 23, 2014

Max has solved 16749 and plspider has won 19638 by itself.

October 24, 2014

Max has solved 12057.

plspider has solved 28241.

October 26, 2014

plspider has solved 25521 and 12057.

October 31, 2014

plspider has solved 24614.

November 1, 2014

Max solved 14992 and plspider solved 16749 and 20830.

November 2, 2014

Max solved 28023.

November 3, 2014

Max solved 24560.

November 4, 2014

plspider solved 12177.

May 1, 2020

Mark Stierlin solved 10957.

May 10, 2020

Able to shuffle and deal all WINSPIDR (by John A. Junod) games. (But restricted to playing games numbered below a million until after April 13th 2024.)

October 7, 2024

Challange: WinSpidr games 1..65000 not yet won

plspider has solved almost all WinSpidr games from 1 though 65000. These games remain unsolved:

    WinSpidr game number 1295

      1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9   10

     5D   2D   3C   4H   AC   6C   7C   9H   6H   AH
     6D   JC   2S   5C   6S   4D  10H  10C   6D   6H
     QD   7S   AS   9D   2H   5S   6S   4C   8D   6C
     3H   JS   8C   9S   AC   2C   8S   9C   8H   5H
     KS  ---  ---   9S  ---  ---   4S  ---  ---   7C
    ---  10S   2H  ---   4D  10H  ---   KH   KC  ---
     QH             2D             5C             AH

      1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9   10

     4H   4C   8D   KH   KD   QS   5S   KS   7D   2C
     7H   KD   3D   7S   8H   3D  10D   AS   3H   7D
     9D   JC   8C  10S   JD   3S   QD   9H   QH   QS
     JS   4S   AD   JH   5D   QC   QC   JD   3C   KC
     AD   9C  10D  10C   5H   JH   7H   3S   2S   8S

Example unoptimized moves to 1 empty stack:Lost  1295   3:42   222 seconds    0 keys   97 moves  1 empties V0.85  Mon, 09 Sep 2024 13:32:11 GMT
5#1>7 1#1>8 5#1>4 10#1>5 D D D 1#1>4 3#1>4 1#1>4 3#1>1 3#1>8 3#1>1 D 1#1>7 3#1>1 7#1>6 4#1>7 D 9#1>8 3#1>6 2#1>4 7#1>10 6#1>7 3#1>4 3#1>8 3#1>9 3#1>2

    WinSpidr game number 8231

      1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9   10

    10S   5H   6H   AH   QH   3H   7C   3S  10S   2C
    10H   2H   6H  10C   QD   6C   9D   JC   8S   JC
     JS   QC   4D   QH   5S   5D   3H   5D   8C   5C
     QS   JS   4S   AD   9C   3C   3S   KC   JD   2D
    10C  ---  ---   9C  ---  ---   8H  ---  ---   4C
    ---   KH   7S  ---   AH   5S  ---   AC   2S  ---
     9S             4S             2D             9S

      1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9   10

     2C   KS   QD   KC   KD   2H   8S   KH   2S   7D
     JH   5H   8D   4D   8D   7D   7H   JH   KD   KS
     8C  10D   6D   6S   AD   QS   3C   AC   QC  10D
     AS   8H   4C   3D   7C   AS   5C   JD   7H  10H
     4H   6S   3D   9D   9H   6D   6C   7S   4H   9H

Example unoptimized moves to 2 empty stacks:Lost  8231   0:00     0 seconds    0 keys  116 moves  2 empties V0.86  Tue, 10 Sep 2024 21:26:10 GMT
5#1>7 4#1>6 7#1>9 D 3#1>5 3#1>7 D 6#1>3 4#1>2 7#1>5 D D D 7#1>8 3#1>9 7#1>8 3#1>8 9#1>8 7#1>1 2#1>7 7#3>4 7#1>8 7#1>10 3#3>5 7#1>3 7#1>9 5#3>7 4#3>5 2#1>4 7#4>2 7#1>10 10#1>4 2#5>7 8#2>2 8#3>4 1#1>4 8#1>10 7#5>8 6#1>10 2#3>7 6#1>7 2#1>8 6#1>2 9#2>8 6#1>4 6#2>10 6#1>10 6#1>5 7#1>4 6#1>9 6#1>1 7#3>5

    WinSpidr game number 36156

      1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9   10

     6C   2C   JD   9H   6C   8H   2S   AC  10S   8C
     AD   8S   3S   JC  10D  10H   KD   3H   6D  10S
     5S   2H   5H   QS   2H   3C   QC   7D   7S   QD
     8C   7H   JC   3C   2D   7C   QS   9C  10C   7D
     KS  ---  ---   5C  ---  ---   QH  ---  ---   3D
    ---   KH   6S  ---   KD   6D  ---   9S   6H  ---
     6H             4S             8D             AS

      1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9   10

     9C   QC   AH   5D   5D   KS   3H   6S   8S   JH
     KC   5H   AD   JS   9D   3D   QD   4S   KH   AC
     7S   7C   4D   4C   4D   3S   9S   JS   2C   9H
     JD  10H   8H   JH   5S   5C   4C   9D   4H   AS
     QH   7H   4H   2S   KC  10C   AH   2D   8D  10D

Example unoptimized moves to 3 empty stacks:Lost 36156  21:32  1292 seconds    0 keys  460 moves  3 empties V0.87  Fri, 20 Sep 2024 00:11:04 GMT
7#1>8 7#1>2 7#1>5 D D 7#1>1 8#1>2 4#1>1 4#1>8 4#1>8 2#1>4 7#1>8 7#1>9 1#1>9 1#1>7 9#1>7 D 6#1>5 6#1>3 9#1>3 9#1>6 8#1>6 8#1>4 5#1>8 D 2#1>1 7#1>6 8#1>1 3#1>7 8#2>5 2#1>7 3#1>5 3#2>8 3#1>5 D 1#1>5 2#1>9 3#1>2 3#1>4 8#4>3 8#1>9 8#1>1 8#1>6 1#2>10 8#1>1 8#1>10 9#1>10 8#1>2 3#4>10 4#1>10 8#1>4 9#1>8 9#1>6 8#1>6 3#1>6 3#1>5 9#1>3 3#2>6 9#1>8 3#1>6 9#1>1 2#3>9 5#1>2 5#1>8 3#1>8 10#1>3 4#1>10 4#1>6 10#1>6 3#1>10 9#4>3 9#1>2 2#3>5 3#4>9 6#1>3 10#1>6 3#1>10 9#4>3 9#1>1 3#4>1 2#2>3 9#1>2 4#1>3 9#1>3 6#1>9 10#1>6 9#1>10 1#4>9 2#1>1 9#4>2 2#5>9 10#1>2 2#2>9 10#4>1 9#7>2 10#1>9 1#5>10 10#9>8 9#1>1 10#1>8 2#7>9 1#3>10 1#1>5 10#3>5 10#1>1 5#3>1 2#1>5 2#1>4 8#1>4 3#1>2 7#1>8 7#1>5 9#7>7 7#8>9 1#3>7 1#2>3 9#8>3 3C 2#1>1 6#1>2 2#1>6

Note: number of "moves" reflects the most moves made at any time, not the number of listed moves (which lead to empty stacks).

Results for plSpider Games

RedLost with no empty stacks made.

Shortest GamesMoves   LongestMoves   FastestTime   SlowestTime   Shortest LossesMoves   Slowest LossesTime   Most PlayedPlays
23181168   22641393   65770:16   146863:59:54   1748:094   14934:024:31:04   109572072
14900170   28078393   266420:16   245603:39:42   14934:0180   1748:040:24   14934400
693172   21260392   63040:17   109572:46:39       12177264
25360173   3692385   76940:18   208302:39:00       24560227
718176   19952383   11430:21   246142:37:12       28023216
19167176   21320381   24380:21   264662:34:11       24614214
13492177   22544377   175130:21   169302:21:46       288211
28226177   4258376   278360:21   88812:19:49       14686209
27959178   4237375   8830:22   81382:09:42       20830201
5425179   14346374   64290:22   167491:59:13       14992194
25462179   1563371   197030:23   2881:53:59       16749180
15993183   7512371   237920:23   282411:52:35       28241158
30152183   9280371   20730:25   242341:46:41       1748148
3899184   10719371   31680:25   232281:45:18       25521133
18992184   8081370   182030:25   83181:40:08       19638125
20578184   10322370   232500:25   311061:39:45       12057120
7435185   28614370   287140:25   279821:38:44       2732098
14398185   10475369   303390:25   294411:38:20       665494
21585185   11460369   14130:26   217411:34:36       888171
26906185   19470368   106440:26   285391:28:57       95063
24127186   4353366   158680:26   149921:28:26       260861
25457186   12366366   159820:26   73851:27:33       576060
1527187   9920365   191670:26   111431:23:54       773258
5361187   20914365   202820:26   273201:22:40       1286557
8224187   30908365   224160:26   203841:21:14       604856
19752187   24782364   242170:26   26361:19:17       2299254
23943187   4397363   313740:26   47191:18:00       263649
27347187   7917363   166030:27   46051:16:25       762649
27976187   10682363   239120:27   66541:15:46       813848
28097187   23731363   271590:27   172191:14:36       1772248
2597188   30057363   297020:27   280231:14:36       2839947
5437188   2068362   16090:28   269391:13:32       2278843
13865188   5718362   42960:28   129371:13:28       2782843
16271188   6161362   143980:28   81171:12:24       2790341
29884188   6817362   173020:28   153131:12:08       134940
8100189   7631362   440:29   96911:11:41       2205140
9987189   8678362   910:29   244321:11:02       831839
11533189   9397362   46850:29   45081:10:27       1531339
17658189   11136362   137900:29   1381:10:15       3115639
23005189   13164362   188470:29   285821:10:12       1085838
3870190   16453362   230960:29   92341:10:01       1386638
6264190   16875362   233870:29   9661:09:56       1919637
9036190   22961362   281380:29   108581:09:56       471934
10816190   23416362   53690:30   42581:09:43       2419833
18286190   24923362   89090:30   96111:08:07       2853933
20392190   26313362   126510:30   20831:07:55       1080432
20435190   28275362   126940:30   174421:07:45       1693031
26228190   7012361   129580:30   87011:06:11       1078630
30749190   8079361   143110:30   149721:06:07       2423430
10094191   8112361   144270:30   183641:05:31       670428
13999191   8485361   169160:30   71671:05:27       1628428
15186191   9087361   173680:30   225441:04:23       1676828
16301191   9409361   220810:30   238601:04:00       2200028
19703191   12302361   262530:30   213181:03:49       1337927
22081191   16003361   298750:30   286751:03:47       1964026
27937191   19077361   315980:30   275511:03:27       620925
2144192   19214361   96270:31   269931:02:48       1705025
2522192   20069361   125860:31   142111:02:17       3102325
7483192   25903361   146200:31   59861:02:10       219924
8064192   26579361   154400:31   269141:01:37       870124
17869192   26662361   163520:31   83291:01:28       2989324
21791192   31605361   186990:31   282371:01:21       1976623
22664192   110360   213830:31   281991:01:15       2517623
23209192   342360   264340:31   84111:01:03       21022
23284192   937360   268720:31   56851:00:59       36022
25127192   1308360   291000:31   278321:00:54       462722
30164192   1791360   315650:31   26801:00:47       593922
190193   3158360   29440:32   108041:00:23       805722
216193   4861360   85770:32   305711:00:21       2167822
753193   5727360   92080:32   524559:52       295721
4072193   8828360   115130:32   1585659:24       500121
5495193   9086360   123860:32   537459:22       1293721
7395193   15918360   124550:32   1217759:09       1293821
13156193   17919360   129340:32   3154658:54       1505221
17810193   19268360   161450:32   1863858:43       1508021
19935193   20639360   186520:32   805758:13       1863721
23387193   20873360   216900:32   2015958:13       1896721
31831193   21316360   227910:32   2986258:11       2693921
31933193   22659360   262430:32   3139258:08       31320
3499194   23835360   301430:32   2984057:59       55920
5145194   27327360   315200:32   829157:47       99620
14895194   27378360   316000:32   3022257:26       425820
15598194   29712360   10190:33   149557:20       616920
17501194   29917360   14140:33   1160257:19       1060420
22416194   31066360   36000:33   1137657:08       1497220
26602194   31112360   38770:33   156056:38       2507520
26868194   2014359   43230:33   2342856:24       2658920
545195   9521359   62400:33   1954156:23       1865819
1312195   12614359   63580:33   2507856:18       2468619
3093195   13017359   85130:33   1425156:10       2653219
6271195   16672359   212880:33   16356:05       2729619
9113195   18968359   214430:33   2125456:05       3154619
9399195   19073359   247110:33   1198555:44       3177919
12189195   20563359   249180:33   1198755:40       52818
13894195   21345359   276120:33   2918055:38       367018
15824195   22421359   293010:33   2143655:31       376918
16541195   23056359   31550:34   2578455:31       592918
19973195   23482359   38140:34   2864755:15       1027818
22257195   28607359   44180:34   3151754:54       1378118
23250195   29509359   69320:34   531954:46       1587918
  64802 games played
  32000 unique game/deals played.
  31998 ---  99.99% of unique games have been won. 2 remain un-won. Most recent won: ['10957:2020-05-01 06:08:16-07:00', '12177:2014-11-04 13:21:01-07:00', '24560:2014-11-03 16:23:54-07:00']
 Average  won-game, number of moves: 280 in     3:33
  Median:                            273 in     1:36
 Average lost-game, number of moves: 137 in 12:35:44
  Median:                            137 in 12:35:44
 Average time spent to win a game:             13:28
  Median:                                       1:45
 Average possible full-run  moves per move:       12
  Median:                                         11
 Average possible split-run moves per move:       15
  Median:                                         11
 Split run moves made in 40192 ( 97%) of 41463 won games.

Results for WinSpidr Games

RedLost with no empty stacks made.

Shortest GamesMoves   LongestMoves   FastestTime   SlowestTime   Shortest LossesMoves   Slowest LossesTime   Most PlayedPlays
2534169   26978546   255560:01   5960522:09:55   1295:1291   1295:13:00:10   3615622630
49275178   12542516   338490:01   6240019:55:49   8231:2634   8231:22:33:06   823121563
64175180   30668504   560850:01   3431018:39:07   36156:3744   36156:31:28:24   129519969
9635183   28256481   49780:02   3840118:11:30       2432318224
33036183   26798480   51860:02   3648713:25:14       925918077
45484183   17974479   193420:02   920212:07:03       4335917257
29839184   25418478   195820:02   6223911:56:58       5583916375
58994184   5159477   333140:02   4426611:20:57       3609213823
18768185   13221476   346150:02   3600510:49:12       6164313213
27894185   20138473   358690:02   3946710:24:16       526549928
43865185   13219472   398210:02   536839:50:50       451778478
44478185   16610468   412430:02   382159:43:53       333677762
12301187   13402467   440910:02   536349:15:00       629357040
29622187   24423463   466830:02   315629:14:22       490746978
37033187   169462   498280:02   454639:05:48       460806962
37751187   9033462   524270:02   465398:56:55       519876918
59428187   9605462   533890:02   555228:42:27       559176704
44005188   7009459   534780:02   578118:29:55       363466666
12586189   20413459   559120:02   73898:25:40       492276641
30020189   19347458   83730:03   431638:24:59       632095751
51107189   22738456   88450:03   523228:18:46       597475247
8798190   59605449   124830:03   540798:04:43       480194388
38049190   27990447   199920:03   584777:57:35       630384077
44979190   2990446   205120:03   546607:39:31       392343957
46318190   15729444   221400:03   378217:36:31       446632991
49097190   16854444   229540:03   364677:35:46       649642104
922191   15355442   239860:03   633537:29:50       443671981
4784191   1786441   267520:03   42367:14:17       557611960
6922191   5254441   285180:03   455937:11:12       434821940
13908191   19733441   312950:03   540927:05:59       514021716
14627191   12796440   324780:03   474317:03:44       573891658
18037191   14332439   349230:03   160776:59:34       649431205
31337191   16653439   354470:03   367666:57:46       648821181
33344191   27610439   367170:03   575406:52:21       645701166
38459191   16259438   371390:03   414836:50:21       646601166
38852191   28401438   383980:03   359506:48:24       641531138
39718191   23399437   434120:03   594216:45:20       646781091
50008191   21469436   437010:03   536876:30:26       369701064
52979191   7830435   468260:03   384496:25:10       330881022
62926191   39602435   485920:03   419056:23:39       560851017
24875192   44382435   486470:03   582946:20:29       43758981
29632192   20691434   490720:03   453756:15:22       41746946
34615192   2989433   499480:03   194386:04:01       64968916
40800192   36630433   508170:03   378726:01:30       59976864
42105192   3623432   537320:03   500705:58:56       9202848
53118192   16130432   560640:03   457315:56:08       63867782
55814192   24683431   579020:03   532395:45:09       33578772
6365193   4924429   580890:03   592135:44:35       16433755
9098193   6123429   597470:03   548755:44:10       47319722
9215193   9307429   599750:03   463085:40:45       38525692
26600193   27235428   609430:03   499225:38:33       35624682
37421193   12360427   617150:03   364125:37:26       32251670
39877193   28593427   625760:03   621125:35:06       50766670
39885193   11837426   638380:03   470645:34:51       59975663
42509193   16832426   641250:03   568295:34:48       37231654
44392193   44266426   642710:03   517685:31:01       34382653
49977193   12997425   646220:03   520935:27:05       51508616
55880193   21622425   649100:03   581165:26:37       44220608
885194   1847424   63750:04   436695:24:54       26843597
7501194   6634424   65480:04   487915:24:52       52663593
40546194   18370424   65710:04   349795:22:44       1880589
41300194   22591423   73980:04   327825:21:48       13449578
43881194   27813423   83630:04   475365:19:43       27764578
50834194   62400423   101010:04   355245:17:15       29871576
52160194   10094422   111100:04   416545:16:20       169573
59302194   28211421   137140:04   581395:13:42       26978569
59330194   29848421   161210:04   621065:09:35       752545
63391194   2569420   171720:04   566715:08:46       5918543
7421195   3200420   210600:04   489395:04:24       16661536
33204195   4129420   214030:04   525835:04:07       7045524
33997195   22630420   227870:04   426155:00:32       17579523
42253195   9368419   234980:04   440544:59:54       30276519
48898195   28909419   235860:04   392354:58:24       18151516
49834195   22459418   243480:04   567574:57:36       11932511
54216195   1234417   251400:04   470824:57:19       29358507
55684195   20811416   260120:04   315824:55:09       14311505
59607195   31547416   280860:04   385644:55:07       64363501
61415195   33943416   298810:04   327024:51:30       28790497
62355195   9589415   308760:04   403104:50:54       1552494
15817196   12799415   314350:04   401874:50:51       61121494
21459196   13948415   327550:04   328894:48:14       15281378
27864196   14712415   330850:04   605244:47:22       6500339
32823196   309414   335780:04   545534:40:49       36812295
32997196   760414   341140:04   437434:40:08       64296291
37664196   5475414   352810:04   566034:39:52       40063285
42920196   13971414   354730:04   475274:36:51       37767274
59006196   17579414   361810:04   55224:35:59       36922263
61743196   18990414   369550:04   110424:35:59       40011260
3592197   58823414   369570:04   425684:35:06       53387247
5281197   3729413   369700:04   441334:34:35       58642245
5304197   8176413   373850:04   565494:34:21       42489244
10107197   13035413   380580:04   392254:33:31       23499241
32913197   16433413   382660:04   477184:30:42       47211214
40304197   26388413   390430:04   479834:30:16       11827208
42371197   28111413   393370:04   365254:27:52       61954206
49579197   37841413   403380:04   480104:27:10       49844204
54287197   6215412   406380:04   557544:25:57       39231203
54967197   9565412   422600:04   373574:21:39       12542199
58708197   22689412   426600:04   630874:21:02       8304198
2334198   25275412   431240:04   350924:20:39       5340196
 407337 games played
  65097 unique game/deals played.
  65094 --- 100.00% of unique games have been won. 3 remain un-won. Most recent won: ['64964:2024-10-07 02:20:17-07:00', '64882:2024-10-06 21:55:16-07:00', '64153:2024-10-06 20:14:37-07:00']
 Average  won-game, number of moves: 277 in     9:49
  Median:                            275 in     3:08
 Average lost-game, number of moves: 556 in  2:20:33
  Median:                            634 in  2:33:06
 Average time spent to win a game:             16:13
  Median:                                       3:41
 Average possible full-run  moves per move:       12
  Median:                                         11
 Average possible split-run moves per move:       13
  Median:                                         10
 Split run moves made in 62594 ( 86%) of 72676 won games.

Mon Oct 7 04:43:24 2024
plspider at tranzoa dot com
Copyright (C) 2024 Tranzoa, Co. This plspider.htm file is generated by from results files, plspider_cshd.txt and winspidr_cdhs.txt.