A few years ago I got an LG Nexus 5X phone through a new Google Fi account.
The Nexus5X has a camera app that (probably) eats RAM often to the point of crashing the system and/or killing the two GPS logging apps I always have running. But the camera app does HDR well and has great panorama logic. The camera app pretty much displaced an old Canon A650 IS for my picture taking.
And then, some months ago, my Nexus 5X went in to the infamous “boot loop”. The Nexus 5X would not boot. After a lot of Google time and whatnot, I bought a Motorola Power G. And found a solid, reliable camera app. That reliably took lousy pictures. Bizarre panoramas. Ugly HDR. Thank God for the decade old, long-in-the-tooth Canon.
Cue the trumpets: A couple of months ago I accidentally found the original Nexus5X box. Which had the phone’s IMEI number. Which allowed me to call LG’s support number. Who told me that LG would fix a boot-loop phone for free. So, that phone call set up an email from LG a couple of weeks later. The email had a FedEx shipping label. Which I drove, with the phone, to the Issaquah FedEx office. And a couple/three weeks later I got a working Nexus5X.
Early in personal computer history, it was common practice to advertise a product idea as a real product. Enough pre-orders drove the actual product creation and manufacture. Then IBM came out with their PC. The PC was already engineered and shipping. But IBM goofed. All shipped PCs needed a fix. IBM fixed them. IBM ate the cost. That sealed the PC deal. IBM showed that they could be trusted. They stood behind their product. That was a massive change in the personal computer world of the time.
With my Nexus5X, I found LG stands behind their product.