
Monday I was sedated and had my big-cataracted, right lens replaced with a CrystaLens by Dr. Jarstad at Evergreen Eye Center in Federal Way.

A bunch of eye-drops, at least one 13 hour sleep, and the eye is starting to see things without a sheet of turbulent water in the way.

The kitchen’s fluorescent lights made one thing very, very clear. Currently, the CrystaLens eye sees a far cooler color temperature. Two of the three kitchen lights were a bright blue in the new right eye, a warm orange in the “normal” eye. Here’s an image with two roughly identical sides on one of my monitors (the right-eye side has a bit of a blue glow on the other monitor).



That is, if the left eye sees the left side and the right eye sees the right side, the two sides look pretty close to the same.

The left eye version of this image doesn’t see a huge difference between the two sides. The right eye version sees a stronger blue-ish on the left, green-ish on the right with quite a bit of intensity difference.

There are a number of odd artifacts having to do with surrounding colors. But, we’ll see how things change in the next week or so. The doctor indicated I had quite a bit of swelling so it’ll be some time before things settle down.

But, at least today, the eye hasn’t felt like there’s a chunk of rock in it. That’s a huge improvement.


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